Thursday, August 27, 2020


Pollution And Nature

Air pollution is the mixture of unnecessary substances in the air.Unnecessary substances may include solid particles and gases.Harmful chemicals, car emissions,radioactive emissions,dust particles,etc are some pollutants.The major part of air pollution in cities is ozone.Air pollution is perceived as a modern-day curse:a by-product of increasing urbanization and industrialization.It does, however,have a long and evolving history with interesting transition in line with economic,technological and political change.Air pollution can also be defined as the emission of harmful substances to the atmosphere.air pollution encapsulates a number of pollutants,including:

     1)Sulphur Dioxide
     2)Nitrogen Oxides
     4)Particulate matter(small suspended particles of varying sizes)
     5)Carbon Monoxide
     6)Volatile organiccompounds

Pollution has started several years ago in the course of human civilization.We have started polluting from our house.Indoor air pollution is caused by burning of solid fuels in the household-for cooking or heating and must have a very long history.The use of coal as a source of energyis linked to ambient air pollution.Longer estimates of coal production and imports are available for some of the earliest industrial nations;record of sulphur dioxide and smoke concentration in London.Air pollution arises in various forms,providing a number of parameters with which we could measure and track change through time.Long-term historical data on pollution can be difficult to reconstruct or estimate-for many pollutants, our global data range is limited to the last few decades.

At global level, the most extensive historical reconstruction of pollution trends is in sulphur dioxide, which we focus on here. Estimates of sulphurdioxide emissions are reconstructed in the historical record based on fossil production, imports and industrial processing outputs;such energy production data exists at the national level for most countries dating back to 1850.This is therefore the historical limit for availability of quantitativeinformationtoglobalandnationallevelemissions.Industrialization marked a key transition point in the magnitude of emissions of sulphurdioxide as aresult of large scale burning of sulphur-containing fuels and industrial processings.

Air pollution  is one of the major causes of death today.The immediate efects of aur pollution are hard to ignore. Watery eyes, coughing and difficult breathing are acute are acute and common reactions.As estimated 92% of the world's population live in areas with dangerous levels of air pollution and, even at seemingly imperceptible levels, air pollution can increse one's risk of cardiovascular system and premature death.Pollutants can affect cardiovascular health by hardening the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and strokes, amd there is even emerging evidence that air pollution may be linked to mental health conditions and degenerative Many other respiratory problems are also caused by air pollution. While air pollution's link to respiratory disease may seem obvious,its relationship to brain, heart and fetal health is less so.It is said that there are at least two mechanism by which air pollution can harm body parts besides the nasal cavity and lungs.

In a nutshell, air pollution affects all our body systems including respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and may invite many other life threatening problems. Hence we should control air pollution by controlling our unhealthy activities and only doing environment friendly activities.