Thursday, August 27, 2020


Pollution And Nature

Air pollution is the mixture of unnecessary substances in the air.Unnecessary substances may include solid particles and gases.Harmful chemicals, car emissions,radioactive emissions,dust particles,etc are some pollutants.The major part of air pollution in cities is ozone.Air pollution is perceived as a modern-day curse:a by-product of increasing urbanization and industrialization.It does, however,have a long and evolving history with interesting transition in line with economic,technological and political change.Air pollution can also be defined as the emission of harmful substances to the atmosphere.air pollution encapsulates a number of pollutants,including:

     1)Sulphur Dioxide
     2)Nitrogen Oxides
     4)Particulate matter(small suspended particles of varying sizes)
     5)Carbon Monoxide
     6)Volatile organiccompounds

Pollution has started several years ago in the course of human civilization.We have started polluting from our house.Indoor air pollution is caused by burning of solid fuels in the household-for cooking or heating and must have a very long history.The use of coal as a source of energyis linked to ambient air pollution.Longer estimates of coal production and imports are available for some of the earliest industrial nations;record of sulphur dioxide and smoke concentration in London.Air pollution arises in various forms,providing a number of parameters with which we could measure and track change through time.Long-term historical data on pollution can be difficult to reconstruct or estimate-for many pollutants, our global data range is limited to the last few decades.

At global level, the most extensive historical reconstruction of pollution trends is in sulphur dioxide, which we focus on here. Estimates of sulphurdioxide emissions are reconstructed in the historical record based on fossil production, imports and industrial processing outputs;such energy production data exists at the national level for most countries dating back to 1850.This is therefore the historical limit for availability of quantitativeinformationtoglobalandnationallevelemissions.Industrialization marked a key transition point in the magnitude of emissions of sulphurdioxide as aresult of large scale burning of sulphur-containing fuels and industrial processings.

Air pollution  is one of the major causes of death today.The immediate efects of aur pollution are hard to ignore. Watery eyes, coughing and difficult breathing are acute are acute and common reactions.As estimated 92% of the world's population live in areas with dangerous levels of air pollution and, even at seemingly imperceptible levels, air pollution can increse one's risk of cardiovascular system and premature death.Pollutants can affect cardiovascular health by hardening the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and strokes, amd there is even emerging evidence that air pollution may be linked to mental health conditions and degenerative Many other respiratory problems are also caused by air pollution. While air pollution's link to respiratory disease may seem obvious,its relationship to brain, heart and fetal health is less so.It is said that there are at least two mechanism by which air pollution can harm body parts besides the nasal cavity and lungs.

In a nutshell, air pollution affects all our body systems including respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and may invite many other life threatening problems. Hence we should control air pollution by controlling our unhealthy activities and only doing environment friendly activities.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Air pollution is the mixture of unnecessary substances in the air.Unnecessary substances may include solid particles and gases.Harmful chemicals, car emissions,radioactive emissions,dust particles,etc are some pollutants.The major part of air pollution in cities is ozone.Air pollution is perceived as a modern-day curse:a by-product of increasing urbanization and industrialization.It does, however,have a long and evolving history with interesting transition in line with economic,technological and political change.Air pollution can also be defined as the emission of harmful substances to the atmosphere.air pollution encapsulates a number of pollutants,including:

     1)Sulphur Dioxide
     2)Nitrogen Oxides
     4)Particulate matter(small suspended particles of varying sizes)
     5)Carbon Monoxide
     6)Volatile organiccompounds

Pollution has started several years ago in the course of human civilization.We have started polluting from our house.Indoor air pollution is caused by burning of solid fuels in the household-for cooking or heating and must have a very long history.The use of coal as a source of energyis linked to ambient air pollution.Longer estimates of coal production and imports are available for some of the earliest industrial nations;record of sulphur dioxide and smoke concentration in London.Air pollution arises in various forms,providing a number of parameters with which we could measure and track change through time.Long-term historical data on pollution can be difficult to reconstruct or estimate-for many pollutants, our global data range is limited to the last few decades.

At global level, the most extensive historical reconstruction of pollution trends is in sulphur dioxide, which we focus on here. Estimates of sulphurdioxide emissions are reconstructed in the historical record based on fossil production, imports and industrial processing outputs;such energy production data exists at the national level for most countries dating back to 1850.This is therefore the historical limit for availability of quantitativeinformationtoglobalandnationallevelemissions.Industrialization marked a key transition point in the magnitude of emissions of sulphurdioxide as aresult of large scale burning of sulphur-containing fuels and industrial processings.

Air pollution  is one of the major causes of death today.The immediate efects of aur pollution are hard to ignore. Watery eyes, coughing and difficult breathing are acute are acute and common reactions.As estimated 92% of the world's population live in areas with dangerous levels of air pollution and, even at seemingly imperceptible levels, air pollution can increse one's risk of cardiovascular system and premature death.Pollutants can affect cardiovascular health by hardening the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and strokes, amd there is even emerging evidence that air pollution may be linked to mental health conditions and degenerative Many other respiratory problems are also caused by air pollution. While air pollution's link to respiratory disease may seem obvious,its relationship to brain, heart and fetal health is less so.It is said that there are at least two mechanism by which air pollution can harm body parts besides the nasal cavity and lungs.

In a nutshell, air pollution affects all our body systems including respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and may invite many other life threatening problems. Hence we should control air pollution by controlling our unhealthy activities and only doing environment friendly activities.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution; Tody's Concern
Enironmental pollution is the unfavourable alteration of surrounding,wholly or largely as a byproduct of men's action,through direct or indirect effects of the changes in the energy pattern,radiation levels,and physical and chemical constitutiopn and abundance of organisms.It is simply  the addition of any substance(solid,liquid or gas) or any form of energy such as heat,sound,or radioactivity)to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed,diluted,decomposed,recycled, or stored in some harmless form.The major kinds of pollution, usually classified by environment, are air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution.Modern society is also concerned about specific types of pollutants, such as noise pollution, light polution, and plastic pollution.Pollution of all kinds can have negative effects on the environment and wildlife and often impacts human health and well-being.

One of the serious issues faced by our modern world is the environmental pollution,and it is one of the most significant challenges that the world is facing in our day.Without a doubt, environmental pollution has existed since centuries. But it began to be a severe issue following the industrial evolution in the 19th century.Pollution generally takes place when pollutanta pollute the environment, and it can bring about the changes that affects our everyday lifestyle unfavourably.The burning of coal and wood, and the presence of many horses in the concentrated ares made the cities the primary sources of pollution.And this urban pollution.The industrial revolution revolution brought an infusion of untreated chemicals and wastes into local streams that served as the water supply.King Edward I of England banned the burning of sea-coal by proclamation in London in 1272, after its smoke became a problem.It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today.London also recorded one of the earlier extreme casesofproblems.Pollution issues escalated as population growth far exceeded viability og neighbourhoods to handle thier waste problem.
There are limitless ways of environmental pollution.Population is growing rapidly in a geometric rate and the extra population wants new place to recide and cultivate.So they ruin jungles and settle themselves there.That,s why the forest area is diminishing day by day in the course of time and all the creatures living over there are being extinct eventually.Vehicles and moden factories  are another main reason for polluting environment.All kinds of harmful chemiclas and gases are produced from then are more than sufficient to degrade degrade our ecosystem directly or indirectly in various ways.All harmful gases get mixed into the air and factories don't, manage harmful which finally get mixed into water resources.
As far as our health is concerned,there are tons of problems and are life threatening too.Unecessary gases hugely affect our respiratory system.These gases may cause bronchitis,bronchiolitis, COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases),lung cancer, other fatal diseases in respiratory pssage and even death in severe cases.And everybody knows that water is the most easy mode of transmission of most of the diseases.Pollution also causes skin problems, problems in digestive tract,hair problems, and other various life threatening diseases that can cause a dangerous

Therefore, in a nutshell, this problem is not the problem of a single person and a single organization rather it is the problem of entire earth and all the creatures reciding in the earth.So being the most intelligent creature in the earth, it is our responsibility to save our eaarth from being degraded and destroyed.Hence we shouyld not miss any chance to save our earth that is our life by controlling environmental pollution in the course of time.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Global Warming

Global Warming :Burning Issue
       Global warming is a steady rise in Earth's surface temperature.The average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans has been rising since the late 19th century and it's a progressive phenomenon now.

        Temperatures today are about 1°C higher than 150 years ago and many scientists say that in the next 100-200 years,temperature might be upto 6°C higher than they were before the effects  of global warming were discovered.And
the most noticeable changes by this phenomenon is the melting of ice caps all around the world.One of the things
to be noted  abiut this problem is the increase in sea level in unprecedented way that's  due to melting of continental ice and getting mixeb into the sea.It is predicted that many cities are soon to be partially submerged into the ocean.

         Global warming has become one of the biggest problems faced by the world now.The main factor to cause this problems is the increase in level of various green house gases like carbon dioxide,methane,water vapour,chlorofluorocarbon,hydrofluorocarbon,nitrous oxide,etc.And these green house gases eventually leads to the depletion of ozone layer (it is a protective layer that surrounds earth and prevent the entry of harmful radiations into the earth.
           Its threatening effects are increasing day by day and creating danger for human life.Global warminh is the main and only reason of rising sea level,flooding,changes in weather patterns,storms,cyclones,epidemic diseases,lack of food and even death.

           The only solution to solve the issue of global warming is the individual level social awareness.People must be aware of its meaning,cause,bad effects and other things about global warming to get it eradicated from worldwide and make the possibilities of life on earth forever as usual.People should stop producing carbondioxide by just stopping their bad habits such as stop the use of oil,coal and gas,inhibit cutting plants(as they are main source to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen),minimize the use of electricity,etc.Just small changes in everyone's life all over the world,we can be abke to stop the huge negative changes in the atmosphere by lessening the effects of global warming and even stop it  day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Climate Change

Climate Change -The Leading Problem  Of Today

Climate change has significantly affected:

Things like temperature,drought,unprecedented floods and various natural disasters has brought a life threating issues in the present world by changing
the weather condition haphazardly.

The average global temperature has increased by 0.8% with 18 of 19 warmest years occuring since 2001.The UN warned that if the average global temperature increses by 2°C there could be massive   sea level rise and almost all the world's coral reef would die.Also the sea level is increasing day by day   due to this global warming:the added water from melting ice sheets and  glaciers and the expansion  of sea water as it warms.

2)Food Security
Extreme high temperature,unprecedented patterns
of precipitation and more frequent extreme weather
pattterns are aiding to disruption in the food system.
High temperature and unfavourable climate kill all the essential microbes found in soil which drastically harms the fertility of soil and leads to the permanent draught.And all these things are aiding to severe risk in agricultural productivity.Farmers,all over the world have felt the harsh outcomes and a huge loss in the  productivity  of fruits,vegetables and all.And the water absorbing capacity of plants is getting affected due to all these climatic effects.

3)Water Supply
Food and water considered to be th basic need of all.
But The World Resource Institute found that 17 countries are under extremely high water stress that  is due to more demand of water than availability.12 out of those 17 are in the middle East and North and Africa .Availability of pure water is the important thing of today.The uncivilized human behaviours,the extreme level of pollution all over the world and mixing of harmful chemicals of industries in the water resources,throwing unhealthy things and non     biodegradable things in the water resources are the     main causes of water resources pollution today.This also    affects the human health severely.

Q)What are world's leaders doing about these problems?
= In  2016, 174 countries and European Union signed    onto the UN Paris Agreement that aims to prevent the global temperature from raising 2°C through          nationally determined contributions.

Note: Signing agreement is not all in all.If significant   steps are not taken from not merely concerned authorities but also by each and every person  from every nooks and corners of the world then we all are destroying our future.So we should not wait for others rather we should start from ourselves to save our earth that is to save our life.