Sunday, September 22, 2019

Global Warming

Global Warming :Burning Issue
       Global warming is a steady rise in Earth's surface temperature.The average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans has been rising since the late 19th century and it's a progressive phenomenon now.

        Temperatures today are about 1°C higher than 150 years ago and many scientists say that in the next 100-200 years,temperature might be upto 6°C higher than they were before the effects  of global warming were discovered.And
the most noticeable changes by this phenomenon is the melting of ice caps all around the world.One of the things
to be noted  abiut this problem is the increase in sea level in unprecedented way that's  due to melting of continental ice and getting mixeb into the sea.It is predicted that many cities are soon to be partially submerged into the ocean.

         Global warming has become one of the biggest problems faced by the world now.The main factor to cause this problems is the increase in level of various green house gases like carbon dioxide,methane,water vapour,chlorofluorocarbon,hydrofluorocarbon,nitrous oxide,etc.And these green house gases eventually leads to the depletion of ozone layer (it is a protective layer that surrounds earth and prevent the entry of harmful radiations into the earth.
           Its threatening effects are increasing day by day and creating danger for human life.Global warminh is the main and only reason of rising sea level,flooding,changes in weather patterns,storms,cyclones,epidemic diseases,lack of food and even death.

           The only solution to solve the issue of global warming is the individual level social awareness.People must be aware of its meaning,cause,bad effects and other things about global warming to get it eradicated from worldwide and make the possibilities of life on earth forever as usual.People should stop producing carbondioxide by just stopping their bad habits such as stop the use of oil,coal and gas,inhibit cutting plants(as they are main source to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen),minimize the use of electricity,etc.Just small changes in everyone's life all over the world,we can be abke to stop the huge negative changes in the atmosphere by lessening the effects of global warming and even stop it  day.

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